Vegan Dog Treats are natural, low fat, chemical free. Vegan dog treats are perfect for keeping your dog in good health including their teeth. Vegan brands stocked include Hownd, Nobblys, Pawtato and Maks Patch Vegan treats have a low environmental impact and help to combat climate change.
PLANT POWERED AND CRUELTY FREE A world where dogs can thrive without cost to other animals or the environment is possible. We look forward to a future that's kinder to pets and planet than it is today.
High in phytonutrients and antioxidants as well as being a valuable source of Vitamin A, C and Manganese, sweet potatoes are well known for being one of the top superfoods in the vegetable kingdom.
Vegan treats for dogs are excellent hypoallergenic treats for those dogs suffering from allergies and sensitivities, vegan chews are not only free from meat, dairy, soya and wheat but they’ve proved irresistible to dogs and are low in fat too!
We also stock Hownd Vegan Dog Food
Email: ORMSKIRK CUSTOMERS Free delivery from Pet Shopper to Ormskirk area within a 5 mile radius of Ormskirk town centre. Order through "contact us" option or by phone 01695 579827