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Taste of Nature Salmon Superfood 65/35 Puppy Food 12kg £72.99

Taste of Nature Salmon Superfood 65/35 Puppy Food 12kg

Taste of Natures Grain free Salmon puppy food with Dill, Spinach, Fennel, Asparagus & Tomato. Using the very best freshly prepared raw meat, gently cooked to ensure all valuable proteins are captured. Incorporated with this delicious meat are a blend of nutritiously beneficial Superfoods.

Taste of Nature Salmon Superfood uses unique Freshtrusion™ process which creates a recipe that boasts a minimum 35% freshly prepared salmon and a total of 65% Salmon.

Why Superfoods?

Dill Source of Iron to help support normal functions of the circulatory system.

Spinach Source of Vitamin A to help maintain healthy vision.

Fennel A good source of Calcium which helps maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Asparagus Source of Vitamin C which has an essential role in collagen synthesis important to help maintain healthy bones.

Tomato Source of Potassium to help with nerve and muscle functions.

Composition 65% Salmon (35% Freshly Prepared Salmon, 22% Dried Salmon, 5% Salmon Oil, 3% Salmon Gravy), Sweet Potato, Beans, Beet Pulp, Omega 3 Supplement, Dried Superfood Blend* (Including Dill, Spinach, Fennel, Asparagus, Tomato), Minerals, Vitamins, Fructooligosaccharides (192 mg/kg), Glucosamine (170 mg/kg), Methylsulfonylmethane (170 mg/ kg), Chondroitin Sulphate (125 mg/kg), Mannanoligosaccharides (48 mg/kg), Nucleotides, Olive Extract (0.01%).

ANALYTICAL CONSTITUENTS Crude Protein 33.5%, Crude Fat 15%, Crude Fibre 2.5%, Crude Ash 8% Moisture 8%, NFE 33% Metabolisable Energy 382 kcal/100g Omega 6 1.2%, Omega 3 2.6% Calcium 1.2%, Phosphorus 0.9%.

NUTRITIONAL ADDITIVES PER KG: Vitamins: Vitamin A 15,000 IU, Vitamin D3 2,000 IU, Vitamin E 100 IU

Trace Elements: Zinc (Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate) 85 mg, Iron (Iron (II) Sulphate Monohydrate) 50 mg, Manganese (Manganous Sulphate Monohydrate) 35 mg, Copper (Copper (II) Sulphate Pentahydrate) 10 mg, Iodine (Calcium Iodate Anhydrous & Potassium Iodide) 1.7 mg

The Superfood 65 range includes a selection of recipes with the finest freshly prepared raw meat gently cooked to protect the valuable protein, plus a blend of nutritiously beneficial Superfoods.

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