Scrumbles Wet Dog Food Duck 395g is a complete, natural pet food with gut friendly slippery elm for dogs of all life stages and is made in the UK. All Scrumbles recipes are designed to be gut friendly, perfect for sensitive stomachs. Inspired by our cat and dog, Boo and Smudge, we use only the highest quality ingredients like fresh chicken with no nasties like artificial colours or preservatives, no added sugars or salt and we gently cook everything for maximum digestibility.Grain free, natural dog food made with 70% Duck plus slippery elm.
Looking for a delicious grain free wet dog food to delight your dog? Look no further! Made with 70% freshly prepared duck to deliver the best nutrition for your dog. We use human grade ingredients, avoid nasties, and add gut-friendly prebiotics. From our furr-fam to yours with love!
Like all our recipes it’s gut friendly and designed for sensitive stomachs. We use quality, human grade, limited ingredients that are easy to digest. As well as our superfood prebiotic slippery elm, which offers multiple benefits including acting as a stomach soother. All our ingredients are 100% natural and free from common allergens like eggs and dairy making it a hypoallergenic dog food recipe with no added nonsense like sugar & salt nor artificial flavours, colours and preservatives. Tastes great naturally!
Complete Dog Food This is a nutritionally complete dog food recipe containing everything your puppy or dog needs to thrive. Feed it on its own or mix it up with one of our dry foods.
70% Duck, 1% Dried Carrots (Equivalent to 9% rehydrated Carrots) Minerals, 0.5% Dried Apples (Equivalent to 3% rehydrated apple), 0.01% Slippery Elm
Email: ORMSKIRK CUSTOMERS Free delivery from Pet Shopper to Ormskirk area within a 5 mile radius of Ormskirk town centre. Order through "contact us" option or by phone 01695 579827