Mr Johnson's wildlife swan, duck & goose food is a complementary food for wildfowl this bite sized floating kibble is fortified with vitamins the perfect food for wildfowl.
When feeding wildfowl everyone thinks about feeding bread but this isn’t the best choice. Bread isn’t that nutritious for birds so feeding bread can lead to vitamin deficiencies and uneaten bread can affect the cleanliness of the water, lead to greater algae build up and encourage vermin increasing the risk of spreading disease. Feeding ducks, swans and geese at local ponds, parks & rivers can be an enchanting experience for all ages. This pastime is undertaken by thousands of adults and children every week. It can be very beneficial for the birds particularly at certain times of the year when food can be scarce or feeding is difficult.
Mr Johnson’s Wildlife Swan, Duck and Goose food, fortified with vitamins floats longer so the birds have a better chance to eat the food. Many birds will eat the food while it is still floating on the water while some breeds prefer to eat it from below the water line. This means not a single nugget will be wasted.
Email: ORMSKIRK CUSTOMERS Free delivery from Pet Shopper to Ormskirk area within a 5 mile radius of Ormskirk town centre. Order through "contact us" option or by phone 01695 579827