Made with high quality ingredients Collards Hypoallergenic Adult Wet Dog Food Tray Variety Pack Grain Free is a complete and balanced wet dog food.
Crafted with a careful balance of potato and natural plant fibres, Collards hypoallergenic grain free wet dog food is a great source of carbohydrates to promote optimum energy and a healthy digestive system. The recipes contain Omega-3 and Omega- 6 oils to help keep your dog’s skin and coat looking healthy, plus all the vitamins and minerals they need with a complete blend of vitamin A, D, E and B complex to aid a healthy immune system, strong bones, and teeth.
The Collards Hypoallergenic adult grain free wet food trays variety pack contains the following recipes:
4 x Chicken and Potato Trays 4 x Turkey and Potato Trays 4 x Duck and Potato Trays (Exclusive to the variety pack!)
Collards hypoallergenic adult grain free wet dog food is suitable for all adult dog breeds aged one year and over.
Chicken Trays: Chicken 60%, Potatoes 25%, Carrots 5%, Peas 5%, Minerals, Sunflower Oil, Salmon Oil, Dried Kelp and Basil.
Turkey Trays Turkey 60%, Brown Rice 20%, Carrots 5%, Peas 5%, Potatoes 5%, Minerals, Sunflower Oil, Salmon Oil, Dried Kelp and Basil.
Duck Trays: Duck 60%, Potatoes 26%, Carrots 5%, Peas 5%, Minerals, Sunflower Oil, Salmon Oil, Dried Tomato, Dried Kelp and Basil.
Email: ORMSKIRK CUSTOMERS Free delivery from Pet Shopper to Ormskirk area within a 5 mile radius of Ormskirk town centre. Order through "contact us" option or by phone 01695 579827